Many have heard the phrase coined among today’s teens, “Fear of Missing Out” (FoMO). While most perceive it as a harmless mantra for today’s hyper-connected youth, a new study released by Liberty Mutual Insurance and SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) reveals that the pressures of this “always-on” lifestyle have manifested in potentially deadly consequences behind the wheel. From …
Always Connected Teens “Fear of Missing Out” is Dangerous
Dad, Quit Texting, You’re Driving
New study suggests that persuading teens to avoid distracted driving might start by asking them to monitor their parents’ driving behavior.
Every day, tens of thousands of students sit through hundreds of public awareness assemblies in classrooms and auditoriums at high schools across the United States. Most of the messages are forgotten within a few days. Joel Feldman is determined …
State Fines For Texting and Driving
The leading cause of death for teenage drivers is now texting while driving, not drinking, with nearly a dozen teens dying each day in a texting related car crash. So far, 46 states have passed legislation banning texting and driving.
The fines vary by state and the median penalty is $100, with Alaska having the most sever maximum penalty of …
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